Early Intervention/Learning Programs
I am a mom of two children who've been through Early Intervention and Early Learning Programs (Brigham Early Learning) in McLean County. I feel incredibly fortunate that my family received such wonderful support. I am running because I want all of the families behind me to get the same, if not better, services.
Mental Health Resources
McLean County has a wealth of resources. We have a good system of mental health supports, especially compared to other counties and states. However, there is room for improvement. I want to join the Health Committee. I want to be able to advocate for more mental health supports in our county.
Recycling/Resource Conservation
Reuse, Renew, Recycle are important goals in our home. There are exciting programs and initiatives out there that I would love to have access to in McLean County. The fastest way to make change, is to do it yourself. I want to look at all kinds of others' recycling strategies, and bring the best to McLean County.